Hiding My Pregnancy: Would Abortion Be an Option?

Discovering you’re pregnant when you weren’t expecting it can bring a whirlwind of emotions. For some, the thought of hiding their pregnancy may arise out of fear, shame, or uncertainty about how others might react. If you’re considering abortion as a way to keep your pregnancy hidden, it’s important to reflect on the reasons behind

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Navigating the Holiday Season During an Unexpected Pregnancy

Facing the holidays with an unexpected pregnancy can feel overwhelming. Balancing a busy season of demands with personal changes may seem daunting, but you can find moments of joy and calm with a positive mindset and thoughtful planning. Here are some tips to help you prepare for the coming season: Prioritize Your Emotional Health Holiday

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Will My Insurance Pay For My Girlfriend’s Abortion?

It’s essential to verify the cost of an abortion beforehand. Many insurance plans only cover procedures for dependents, such as a spouse or child. Before scheduling, reach out to your insurance provider to understand what, if any, coverage is available for your girlfriend’s procedure. Will Medicaid Pay? Health First Colorado is the state’s Medicaid program.

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3 Things to Know if You Are Considering Mail-Order Abortion

If you are considering mail-order abortion, there are a few things you should know for your health and safety: the source of the abortion drugs, your ultrasound results, and the potential side effects and risks.  Do you want to talk with a caring team member about your pregnancy options? Schedule an appointment at no cost

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What’s the Difference Between the Abortion Pill and Plan B?

The abortion pill terminates an established pregnancy, while Plan B is an emergency contraceptive that prevents pregnancy from occurring. Read on to learn more about how the abortion pill and Plan B work. Or, if you think you might be pregnant and want to talk to someone in person about your options, contact Colorado Springs

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Can I Buy the Abortion Pill Online? 

If you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy and wondering if you can buy the abortion pill online, the answer is complicated. While you can technically find the abortion pill online, the FDA advises against it. This is because the source, quality, safety, and effectiveness of the abortion pill drugs purchased online can’t be guaranteed.  If you’re

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Can You Reverse the Effects of the Abortion Pill?

If you have taken mifepristone, the first abortion pill medication, and you regret your decision, help is available. You may be able to reverse the effects of this medication with a protocol called the abortion pill reversal. You must act quickly to increase the likelihood that your pregnancy can be saved. We’ll outline what you

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Early Pregnancy Symptoms?

Think you might be pregnant? You’re likely feeling overwhelmed by many different emotions and wondering what early signs to watch out for. While taking a pregnancy test and receiving an ultrasound are the only two surefire ways to know if you’re pregnant, there are common early pregnancy symptoms that many women experience. When you become

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How Accurate Are STD Tests?

If you’ve had sex and are considering getting an STD test, or if you’ve already received results, you may be wondering about the accuracy of STD tests. The answer is that it depends.  At-home STD test kits aren’t always as accurate as getting tested by a healthcare professional. This is because at-home kits have a

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Can STDs Go Away on Their Own?

Most STDs require treatment. It is essential to be tested and treated for STDs. Since STDs can be present in the body with no symptoms, some people might be tempted to think that they have gone away, but it is rare for them not to require treatment. What Are STDs?  Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are

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