If you have an unexpected pregnancy and are in your second trimester, making a decision may feel complicated. What are your options? How will you find accurate information?

Colorado Springs Pregnancy Center is here to help clarify your options. The pregnancy decision is yours; we’ll offer unbiased information as you consider your future and learn what’s available.

Continue reading to learn more about your second-trimester pregnancy options. You can also schedule a confidential appointment with us at no cost to you.

Assessing Your Options

You have three options for your pregnancy: abortion, adoption, and parenting. No one can pressure you into making a specific decision; it’s your choice.

Abortion in Your Second Trimester

The American Pregnancy Association notes that your second trimester lasts from weeks 13 to 28. You may question what abortion procedures exist at this point in pregnancy.

Abortion in Colorado is legal at all stages of pregnancy. The type of procedure a woman has depends on how far along she is and other factors.

Dilation and evacuation (D&E) is a common abortion procedure performed during the second trimester. It’s crucial to understand this method’s side effects and risks.

A D&E typically uses surgical tools and/or vacuum aspiration to end the pregnancy. It is only done in a clinic or hospital.

Common side effects include:

  • Menstrual cramp-like pain (this can occur for up to several weeks)
  • Irregular spotting or bleeding for the first two weeks

This procedure also carries health risks. If you are considering abortion, you should discuss these risks with your healthcare provider and consider carefully your specific situation:

  • Incomplete abortion (tissue remaining in the uterus)
  • Cervical injury
  • Uterine perforation (when a surgical tool pokes a hole in the uterine wall)
  • Moderate to severe vaginal bleeding
  • Infection

It is crucial to note that the chances of developing a health risk are higher in the second trimester because the pregnancy is further along.

Considering your personal health situation can help you make an informed decision.

We can discuss abortion procedures’ risks and side effects and help you understand all your options.

Colorado Springs Pregnancy Center also offers medical screenings to women facing unexpected pregnancies. Even if you’ve already confirmed your pregnancy, receiving this screening can help you move forward.

An ultrasound can confirm how far along you are, while STD testing can protect your health and prevent sexual health complications.

Bacteria from infections like chlamydia or gonorrhea can enter your reproductive tract during abortion and cause complications like pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), so it’s essential to know where you stand and receive the necessary treatment.

We’ll help you find clarity.

Making an Adoption Plan

Adoption involves continuing your pregnancy and placing the child in an adoptive family. Women can make an adoption plan regardless of their pregnancy’s gestational age.

Birth mothers can select the adoptive parents and create a plan that works best for their life and future. They never pay for adoption-related or medical expenses.

Adoption plans offer different communication levels to consider:

  • Open adoption: The birth mother forms a relationship with the child and adoptive family through letters, phone calls, visits, and more.
  • Semi-open adoption: The birth mother and adoptive family communicate through a mediator (i.e., adoption attorney or agency). They may exchange information like first names or provide photographs.
  • Closed adoption: Closed adoptions do not involve contact with the adoptive family. All identifying records are sealed, and everyone remains anonymous.

Some women find adoption to be emotionally challenging, while others find it provides closure or peace of mind. Remember, making an adoption plan for your child is always your choice.

We offer factual information about the adoption process.

Choosing to Parent

Parenting means you’ll raise your child. This option looks different for everyone. Some women are single mothers, while others co-parent with the baby’s father or remain in their relationship and parent their child together.

Everyone has a different parenting experience. It is critical to reflect on what you feel most comfortable with. Asking yourself these questions can help you decide:

  • What do I know about parenting?
  • What do I want to find out?
  • Do I have a support system to help me parent?
  • Will the baby’s father be involved?
  • Can I provide for a child?
  • What resources would I need if I choose parenting?

Considering the resources available can help you make a decision. Colorado Springs Pregnancy Center offers parenting classes, material aid, and referrals.

It’s your decision. We’ll provide the information needed to help you decide.

Services at No Cost to You

Colorado Springs Pregnancy Center knows this can be a stressful time. However, you aren’t alone.

We’re here for you. Schedule an appointment today at no cost to you.

Colorado Springs Pregnancy Center does not provide or refer for abortions.

All abortion information sourced in this blog is based on accurate information at the time of writing. 

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