Learn about the guidelines for using this abortion method.

Are You Considering the Abortion Pill?

Although taking drugs to terminate a pregnancy seems like a quick and easy solution, there are recommended guidelines you should follow to protect your health. Learn about the safety requirements, side effects, and possible risks so you know what to expect beforehand.

Have You Had a Pre-Abortion Medical Screening?

Abortion is a serious medical decision you should carefully consider. Experts recommend a visit to a healthcare provider first to discuss the following:

  • Evaluate your medical history and overall physical and mental health
  • Confirm your pregnancy
  • Do an ultrasound
  • Do blood or urine tests
  • Explain the procedure, side effects, possible risks, and complications 

Get a Pre-Abortion Medical Screening at No Cost to You

The Colorado Springs Pregnancy Center offers a no-cost medical screening. Before considering the abortion pill, receive the following:

No-Cost Lab-Quality Pregnancy Test 

Have you taken a home pregnancy test? It’s essential to take more than one test. A medical professional administers our pregnancy tests so you can be confident in the results.

No-Cost Limited Obstetrical Ultrasound

An ultrasound verifies if the pregnancy is viable. A viable pregnancy means it is growing with a detectable heartbeat. 

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) estimates that as many as 26% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage. There is no need for the abortion pill if you have miscarried. Ultrasound also determines how far along you are and the pregnancy’s location.

No-Cost STD Testing and Treatment

Pelvic infection is a potential for any type of abortion, and the presence of an infection increases the risk of more serious complications. 

We offer no-cost STD testing for chlamydia, gonorrhea, and HIV antibodies. In addition, we provide no-cost treatment for chlamydia and gonorrhea.

Are You Eligible for the Abortion Pill?

There are limitations to who can use the abortion pill method. Follow them carefully to protect your health. Do not attempt this type of abortion for the following reasons:

  • You are too far along in your pregnancy. The FDA approves the use of the abortion pill method through 10 weeks of gestation only (70 days from the first day of your last menstrual period). The Mayo Clinic suggests not attempting this form of abortion after nine weeks (56 days).
  • You have an intrauterine device (IUD) in place.
  • You have a suspected ectopic pregnancy (a pregnancy that has formed outside the uterus, which is diagnosed through ultrasound)
  • You have certain medical conditions such as a bleeding disorder or heart, liver, kidney, or lung disease.
  • You take a blood thinner or specific steroid medicines.
  • You have an allergy to the drugs used.
  • You can’t make follow-up visits to your provider to ensure the abortion is complete (an incomplete abortion is a possibility with this method).
  • You don’t have access to emergency care.

Potential Risks Using the Abortion Pill

We want to ensure your safety. You need to know what to watch for in case of complications. The following are serious problems to be aware of:

  • Heavy bleeding, blood clots, fever, and pelvic pain are some of the symptoms of an incomplete abortion
  • Prolonged bleeding – soaking two or more pads an hour for two hours
  • Severe abdominal or back pain
  • Fever lasting more than 24 hours
  • Foul-smelling vaginal discharge

What Should You Do First?

The FDA recommends not ordering abortion pill drugs online. You need medical oversight and a thorough pre-abortion medical screening. 

Contact us to set up your no-cost pre-abortion screening and look at all of your options. We’re here for you.

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