Is Abortion Pill Reversal Safe and Effective?
Taking an at-home pregnancy test and discovering you’re unexpectedly pregnant is scary. When afraid, we all tend to react quickly to solve “the problem.” Maybe a little too quickly.
If out of fear, you’ve started the abortion pill process but have now changed your mind, it may not be too late to reverse the effects. Contact the 24/7 Abortion Pill Reversal hotline to understand your options for beginning a reversal.
Also known as medication abortion, the abortion pill method uses two very powerful drugs. The first drug you take is called mifepristone. All pregnancies need the hormone progesterone to thrive and grow, the mifepristone drug blocks this hormone from reaching the uterus. Without progesterone, the pregnancy ends.
The second drug, called misoprostol, is taken 24 to 48 hours after the first drug. Misoprostol causes hard contractions and cramping to remove the pregnancy from your body. Expect heavy bleeding, nauseousness, and possible vomiting, headache, and fever.
Timing is key when seeking to reverse the process of Mifepristone. If you can, begin reversal within 24 hours of taking the drug.
If you are over 24 hours after, you may still have an opportunity to reverse your abortion. Abortion Pill Rescue explains that even treatment taken 72 hours after the first abortion pill has been successful for some women. Contact the Abortion Pill Reversal Helpline to get started right away.
Progesterone is a naturally occurring hormone in a woman’s body. It triggers the lining of the uterus to thicken to accept a fertilized egg. Since the first drug you take in the abortion pill process blocks progesterone, you need to flood your body with progesterone to keep the fertilized egg implanted.
Abortion pill reversal can be effective if you’ve ONLY taken the first pill of the abortion pill method. If you’ve taken the second pill, unfortunately, the abortion cannot be reversed. Studies suggest that abortion pill reversal is almost 70% effective for women who’ve only taken the first pill.
If you’ve just taken mifepristone (the first drug) in the abortion pill procedure and now have a change of heart, time is of the essence.
Contact the 24/7 Abortion Pill Reversal hotline at: 1-877-558-0333 or their website will help you understand your options for beginning a safe APR reversal. A successful reversal process is more likely if you begin the procedure as soon as possible after taking the first abortion pill.
APR has been shown to increase the chances of allowing the pregnancy to continue. However, the outcome of your reversal attempt cannot be guaranteed.