Free & Confidential Care in Colorado Springs

Now What? Pregnant in Colorado Springs

Here are some very helpful questions and answers for you if you are pregnant in Colorado Springs. There is help for you, take advantage of the free services available to you.

Are there resources to help those who are pregnant in Colorado Springs?
Yes, the Colorado Springs Pregnancy Center is an organization ready to help you. All services are free of charge and confidential.

How do I know if I'm pregnant?
The most common and telling symptom and sign of pregnancy is a missed period. If you have missed a period and you normally fall on a regular schedule, it is time to take a pregnancy test. A missed period may be a sign that you are pregnant. We provide free pregnancy tests at our centers in Colorado Springs.

I'm facing an unplanned pregnancy. What should I do?
You don't need to walk this journey alone. Having a baby is a life-long journey and we are here to support you through the process.

How do I know how far along I am in my pregnancy?
The pregnancy center in Colorado Springs offers free limited ultrasounds. These ultrasounds provide valuable information regarding the viability of the pregnancy, the stage of the baby's development, and any noticeable complications.

What do I do for prenatal care?
We can give you information on proper prenatal care and medical resources. It is essential that you are eating healthy meals and avoiding drugs and alcohol. We provide classes and mentoring to teach you about nutrition, prenatal development, childbirth, first aid, and other topics that will help you with parenting. We can help you prepare for each stage of pregnancy-conception through birth-as well as the weeks following birth. We desire to help you be the best parent possible.

Call our office today at 719-591-2724 to learn about all the free services available to you during and after your pregnancy.
Central Location
3700 Galley Rd.,
Colorado Springs
Call: 719-591-2724

Westside Location
3925 Centennial Blvd.,
Colorado Springs
Call: 719-623-2870

Fountain Location
97 Widefield Blvd,
Colorado Springs, CO 80911
Call: 719-591-5221